Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lego Day with Dad

This one took all day. It's a Giant Jungle Tower with 5 levels on it. The top level has archers. The ladders fold up so the enemy can't get on. It's almost as tall as Julianne. My dad helped build this one.

This ship is called The Dawn Treader from C.S. Lewis. I made this one all by myself. Even the sails. We're going to send a picture of this one to Lego Magazine.
This is a blue square that we cannot get rid of. Hello blue square!

I made these Lego iPhone's for me and my friends. They even have a charger.

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome! We should get together and build Legos together sometime!
    (from Jake, from Ms. Bakaleinikoff's son)
